AI4HealthSec Workpackages
Project Management
Project Management
Administrative and Financial Management
Scientific and Technical Management
Risk and opportunities management and quality assurance
Innovation Management
Ethical, Privacy, GDPR Compliance and Security Coordination
Refinement of pilot requirements, evaluation metrics and AI4HEALTHSEC Architecture
Requirements adaptation and refinement towards the needs of the pilots
Basis of Legal and Ethical Requirements
Reference Scenarios, Pilot Operations Specifications and evaluation metrics and methodology
High Level Architecture of AI4HEALTHSEC system
Design of Self-organized Swarm Intelligence Framework
Desk-Research Analysis on Swarm Intelligence Approaches
AI4HEALTHSEC Self-organized Swarm Intelligence Model
Individualised Autonomous Networking protocol (Autonomic networking mechanisms) and Mathematical Modelling
Security and Privacy Modelling and visualization specifications
Design of Dynamic Cyber Situational Awareness Framework
Cyber Situation Awareness Trend Analysis & Desk-Research Analysis on Situational Awareness Approaches
Evidence-driven Risk & Privacy Assessment Specification
Incident identification, analysis, and handling (response) Specification
Specifications of Mathematical Instruments, Risk and Incident handling Models
Cyber-Attack Forecasting & Security Incident Simulation techniques
Development of Dynamic Situational Awareness System
Development of the Information Sharing & Individualised Autonomous Networking
Development of the Risk and Privacy management & Cyber-Attack Forecasting sub-systems
Development of the Security & privacy aware data storage, processing and sharing sub-systems
Development of Threat Monitoring, Anomaly detections and Incident Handling sub-systems
Security Incident/Attack Simulation Environments
Security Incident/Attack Simulation Environments Development
Pilots development of the AI4HEALTHSEC system
Implementation strategy and pilot evaluation plans
Pilot 1 implementation
Pilot 2 implementation
Pilot 3 implementation
Pilot 4 implementation
Situational awareness system, integration, fine tuning and overall system evaluation
Design and Development of the Visualization and Context-Rich/Analytical Exploration sub-systems
System and Services Integration and Validation
AI4HEALTHSEC framework Goal assessment and refinement, convergence with pilots
AI4HEALTHSEC framework security and privacy evaluation and assessment
Legal and ethical implementation, oversight and evaluation
Policy Recommendations and Guidelines for Wider Applicability and Use
Dissemination, Exploitation, legal aspects and Sustainability
Dissemination and Communication Activities
IPR Management and Exploitation Planning
Standardization and Certification Activities
Market Analysis and Business Planning
Involvement, awareness and participation
Ethics Requirements
Human Rights
Protection of Personal Data